
Gourd Canteen working group is a space for learning and thinking together. As cultural and creative practitioners, we gather for self-organised learning and mutual support. Through collectively programmed study sessions, we hope to foster a community of thoughts outside the institutionalised education system.

The form of the working group is meant to cultivate common purposes among participants. We also hope difference and dissensus will be a generative force for our community.

The in-person study sessions will take place in various corners of London. In these intimate and informal study sessions, we will read and discuss texts, visit exhibitions, take walks, watch films, listen to music, or just gather together to share ideas. Topics we hope to explore as a group can be put into three strands:

  1. Chineseness and diasporic identity
  2. contemporary art and theory
  3. socio-cultural and political history of London and the UK

How does it work

Each working group will run for four months. We will meet once a month for a 2-hour study session (or longer!). Following an open call, around 13 members will be selected.

The study sessions will take place in-person in London. Though we welcome applicants from other places, we are unable to provide travel or accommodation support.

We ask group members to make sure they spend time with the texts/ exhibitions/ films before the study sessions. We also expect everyone to commit to participating in as many sessions as possible.

Before launching each working group, we will draft a list of texts, exhibitions, and other materials for the study sessions. In the first meeting, members of the working group will discuss and revise this initial list. The focus of the group’s collective inquiry will be decided by its members.